2024 – Dr. Pamela Vanderzalm, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Biology
Expertise: Developmental Genetics, Neuroscience, Cell & Molecular Biology
Courses: Dr. Vanderzalm teaches the introductory biology sequence and upper division courses in Developmental Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, and Molecular techniques.
Research: Dr. Vanderzalm’s research lab focuses on growth control in the genetic model organism, Drosophila melanogaster. Currently the lab is interested in synaptic growth during the nervous system development and is focused on the evolutionarily conserved gene Tao and its signaling partners in this process.
Most recent Publications:
- Politano SF☨*, Salemme RR☨*, Ashley J☨, Lopez JA*, Bakula TA*, Puhalla KA*, Quinn JP*, Juszczak MJ*, Phillip LK*, Carrillo RA,Vanderzalm PJ.(2019)Tao negatively regulates BMP signaling during neuromuscular junction development inDrosophila.Developmental Neurobiology,79(4), 335-349.*Undergraduate researcher; ☨co-first authors
- Hoover KM, Gratz SJ, Herrmann KA, Qi N, Liu Y, Perry-Richardson JJ,Vanderzalm PJ,O’Connor-Giles KM, Broihier HT.(2019)The calcium channel subunit α2δ-3 organizes synapses via an activity-dependent and autocrine BMP signaling pathway. Nature Communications,10 (5575).
- Yee WB, Delaney PD*,Vanderzalm PJ, Ramachandran S, and Fehon RG. (2019) The CAF-1 complex couples Hippo pathway target gene expression and DNA replication.Molecular Biology of the Cell,30 (23), 2929-2942. *Undergraduate researcher
- Xu J,Vanderzalm PJ,Ludwig M, Su T, Tokamov SA,Fehon RG. (2018) Yorkie Functions at the Cell Cortex to Promote Myosin Activation in a Non-transcriptional Manner.Developmental Cell46, 271-284.
Boggiano JC,**Vanderzalm PJ,**Fehon RG. (2011) Tao-1 phosphorylates Hippo/MST kinases to regulate the Hippo-Salvador-Warts tumor suppressor pathway.Developmental Cell21, 888-895.**co-first authors
Grants and Research Funding
• George Grauel Faculty Fellowship, one semester paid sabbatical leave (AY 2018-19). • ۿ۴ý Summer Teaching Fellowship, $5,000 (2014, 2018). • Children’s Tumor Foundation Young Investigator Award (2012-14).
These are some quotes from students who shared something about Dr. Vanderzalm during the voting process:
One of Dr. Vanderzalm's advisees described what makes her such an excellent advisor in this way:
"Parents, managers, and friends who one thinks of, typically, as having a lifelong effect on another as their mentor have the benefit of spending months, years, even decades together. I have met with Dr. V in her capacity as an advisor only once a semester and for no more than an hour, yet she has had an impact on par with any one of the people I mentioned. Although there are many exceptions, a put-down culture among peers and professors unavoidably creeps into college courses and life. Often, I have come to Dr. V after a difficult semester of classes, and unlike some of these individuals, she hears and acknowledges my difficulties and develops a plan to make things better for the next semester. In stark contrast to the every-man/woman-for-themselves culture that I may see in others, Dr. V has always given me praise and criticism in the most constructive way that does not make me feel less than or not good enough."
Another student gave this example of Dr. Vanderzalm’s commitment to advising:
“I'd like to conclude my nomination with one more anecdote about my advisee experience with Dr. Vanderzalm. This took place in the Fall of 2023, during a very busy time of the semester (about a month prior to finals). Registration for the following semester was approaching, and Dr. V was in the midst of helping her parents pack/move out of their long-term home. As I had seen my parents go through a similar process the previous summer, I could only imagine how stressful this was for Dr. V at such a busy time of the year. Nevertheless, Dr. V made sure to schedule virtual advising meetings while she was out of town. This demonstrates Dr. V's tendency to go above and beyond, and her commitment to her students’ success." Finally, a third student succinctly summarized the reasons for this award by saying:
"Simply put, Dr. V epitomizes excellence in academic advising. Her unwavering commitment to this duty reflects a profound investment in the success and growth of each student she guides. Because of her time, effort, and dedication to her students in this capacity, she deserves this recognition."
2023 – Andrew Welki, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Economics
Expertise: Business Statistics, Environmental Economics, Managerial Economics
Courses: Dr. Welki’s teaching interests include business statistics, principles of economics, urban economics, and environmental economics.
Research: Dr. Welki’s research area includes sports economics, the choice of college major, and highway safety. His work has been published in Journal of Economic Studies, International Journal of Social Economics and Transportation Research Part E.
His most recent publications include: Becker, M. J., Calkins, L. N., Simmons, W., Welki, A. M., & Zlatoper, T. J. (2020). Obesity and motor vehicle deaths: a panel-data analysis. Journal of Economic Studies, 47(6), 1233–1246. https://doi.org/10.1108/JES-03-2019-0097
Welki, A. M., & Zlatoper, T. J. (2014). The effect of cell phones on international motor vehicle fatality rates: A panel-data analysis. Transportation Research Part E, 64, 103–109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2014.02.001
Noble Calkins, L., & Welki, A. (2006). Factors that influence choice of major & why some students never consider economics. International Journal of Social Economics, 33(8), 547–564. https://doi.org/10.1108/03068290610678707
Distinguished Honors: This is Dr. Welki’s second time receiving the The Dr. William F. O’Hearn Memorial Endowment Award for Faculty Advising. He already received this award in 2017. In 1992, 1997, 2002, and 2008, he received the Wasmer Award , which recognizes teaching excellence in the Boler College of Business at ۿ۴ý University. He also received ۿ۴ý University’ s Distinguished Faculty Award in 2005, which recognizes teaching excellence, personal scholarship, advisement and leadership of students, and community service. Dr. Welki’s university service includes more than 20 years as the Faculty Representative to the Ohio Athletic Conference and the NCAA. Within the conference he has held a number of leadership positions.
These are some quotes from students who shared something about Dr. Welki during the voting process:
"Andy Welki played a critical role in enabling me to create a schedule that allowed for flexibility in my undergraduate studies - this flexibility has given me the opportunity to come back and use my final year of eligibility as a ۿ۴ý athlete. The planning involved in this advising saga entailed multiple meetings over the holiday break and on numerous occasions, Prof. Welki went above and beyond by reaching out to other faculty members across the university on behalf. With Welki's help, I am now able to fully maximize my undergrad education experience, creating a synergistic mix of majors and minors that greatly increased my knowledge base and makes me a far more attractive candidate in the job market and for being accepted into a prestigious graduate school. Simply said, this would not have been possible without his help along the way. Thank you, Welki!"
"Dr. Welki is not my personal advisor, but I envy anyone who has him. He really helped me navigate ۿ۴ý when I was incredibly lost after my freshman year. I switched majors from Biology, Pre-Vet, to Communications with a Digital Media Concentration and simultaneously lost my biology advisor. I went to him hoping there was something that he could help me with. He understood my anxiety in not graduating on time, not knowing what I wanted to do for a career, and the mental strain of trying to find what I was passionate about. He recommended that I take different classes in different schools to see which ones I enjoyed the most. He walked me through the process of scheduling, making sure I was getting through the core requirements, while also giving myself free time and a swim practice time slot. He really helped me find my passions, all while building my confidence without any expectations of anything in return. He goes out of his way to be involved on campus, with athletic teams, with students, parents, and visitors alike. I cannot thank him enough for helping me step into who I am and for taking me under his wing when I didn’t know who else to turn to. Dr. Welki is certainly a man for others and I’m very blessed to say that I know him."
Sociology of the family, Intersections of family and work, Sex and gender, Social psychology, Cultural sociology, Women and health.
Dr. Barnes’ primary teaching interests include Foundations in sociology, Self & society, Sociological research methods, Sociology of the Family, Sexuality & sexual behavior, and Gender, health & medicine.
Dr. Barnes’ research examines the intersection of family, gender, and work during the transition period to parenthood. Other research interests include ideologies of motherhood and fatherhood, gender discrimination in the labor market, and new reproductive technologies. In addition to presenting locally and nationally on these subjects, she has published articles in the Journal of Family Issues, Qualitative Sociology Review, and Journal of Consumer Culture. Her most recent publications include:
Barnes, M. W. (2022). Catholic Seminarians on ’Real Men’, Sexuality, and Essential Male Inclusivity. Religions, 13(352), 352.
Lavin, M. F., & Barnes, M. W. (2020). Normalizing Deviants: Notes on the De-Stigma Trend. Deviant Behavior; 41(7), 828-840.
Barnes, M. W. (2018). The Zero Trimester: Pre-pregnancy Care and the Politics of Reproductive Risk [Review of the book The Zero Trimester: Pre-pregnancy Care and the Politics of Reproductive Risk by M.R. Waggoner]. Gender and Society, 32(4), 587–589.
Dr. Medora Barnes exemplifies concern for all students in her role as a professor and academic advisor. As my primary major advisor in the department of Sociology & Criminology, she has pushed me to pursue full course loads and entertain discernment about law school. I was first introduced to Dr. Barnes virtually via Zoom as a rising upperclassman. This could have hindered our ability to connect, yet Dr. Barnes never let this format impede her ability to be a mentor. She has always been proactive about setting up one-on-one meetings with her ahead of scheduling and has always been attuned to the future plans of her students. Dr. Barnes also very intentionally empowers students to take charge of their own advising sessions and academic trajectory, while still offering a measured amount of honest feedback and advice when appropriate. As a co-chair of the interdisciplinary Population & Public Health minor, she has guided me toward the pursuit of not only this rigorous minor complementing my other disciplines but also compelled me to acquire a Masters of Public Health upon commencement. Dr. Barnes encouraged me to aim high for my next educational endeavor. She was also quick to offer her services in writing my letters of recommendation for graduate school applications, and, in part due to her connectedness with me and ability to write a genuine letter, I was admitted to all of my desired programs. She and I celebrated when I landed myself among the top institutions in the nation for my graduate program of study. I have taken four of her courses spanning three semesters. Dr. Barnes invited me to enroll in several of her electives, like Gender, Health, and Medicine, or Sociology of the Family because she knew I would find them interesting and they would satisfy multiple requirements for me. In each of her classes, her care and concern for students are evident through regular check-in questions. Whether you are an advisee of hers or not, she is approachable and accommodating to all students in the classroom setting and beyond. Furthermore, I believe that Dr. Barnes seldom gets the recognition she deserves.
Associate Professor – Chemistry
Biochemistry of protein structure & function.
Dr. Chai’s primary teaching interests include General Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biochemistry laboratory.
Dr. Chai’s research focus on the biochemistry of protein structure/function relationships under oxidative stress. He has presented his work at national and local meetings and published peer-reviewed articles with his research students. His most recent publications include:
Musaogullari A, Chai YC (2020). Redox Regulation by Protein S-Glutathionylation: From Molecular Mechanisms to Implications in Health and Disease. Int J Mol Sci, 21(21):8113.
Musaogullari A, Mandato A, Chai YC (2020).Role of Glutathione Depletion and Reactive Oxygen Species Generation on Caspase-3 Activation: A Study With the Kinase Inhibitor Staurosporine. Front Physiol, 11(2020):998.
Mandato A, Chai YC (2018). Regulation of antigen 85C activity by reversible S-glutathionylation.
IUBMB Life, 70(11):1111-1114.
Distinguished Honor
He received the Lucrezia Culicchia Award in 2017, which recognizes teaching excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences at ۿ۴ý University.
"As an advisor, Dr. Chai takes the time to get to know his advisees on a personal level and is genuinely invested in their future goals. His office door is always open, whether it is for a 5-minute chat or an hour-long conversation. After moving to remote-learning, Dr. Chai’s dedication to his advisees continued when he was only a phone or Zoom call away. As we navigate this semester with the COVID-19 pandemic, he frequently checks-in and goes above and beyond in his efforts to provide extra support. The intentionality that Dr. Chai puts into the work he does as an advisor is unmatched. Dr. Chai pushes me to pursue my academic goals, holds me accountable, and proactively provides me with opportunities to further my career. … Dr. Chai is a very caring advisor and very committed to helping his advisees and contributing to their personal and professional development. Dr. Chai’s advising and mentorship exemplifies the Jesuit philosophy of cura personalis and having him as an advisor has made a huge impact in my experience at ۿ۴ý University."
Emeritus Professor of Education
Dr. Storz has taught undergraduate courses in middle childhood philosophy and instruction, methods, and adolescent development. He also taught graduate level courses in research methods, urban education and teaching and learning.
Dr. Storz’s research focuses on urban and catholic education as well as educational inequities. In 2007, he co-published a book –They call us to justice: Responding to the call of the Church and our students– and two book chapters –It's All About Relationships: Urban Middle School Students Speak Out On Effective Schooling PracticesandUsing students’ voices to change teaching and learning to teach in urban schools: Studies from three teacher education programs.He also published eight articles during his tenure at ۿ۴ý, including in 2018Becoming an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program from the Perspectives of Teachers, Students, and Administrators(Journal of Advanced Academics, 2018: 1-33) and in 2013Examining Response to a One-to-One Computer Initiative: Student and Teacher Voices (Research in Middle Level Education (RMLE) Online, 36(6), 1-18.) Dr. Storz has an extensive history of presenting at local and national conferences.
Distinguished Honor
At ۿ۴ý University, Dr. Storz has served as Acting Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in 2010 and as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences from 2008 to 2015.
"Dr. Storz has been my advisor for years now, and even though he is departing from ۿ۴ý after this year (all the more reason he is worthy of an opportunity to praise his long, great efforts), Dr. Storz continues to place his students/advisees first. In the midst of wrapping up his final semester, he and I have been emailing and texting back and forth about MY classes, and that is a testimony to the Jesuit man that Dr. Storz is. As an advisor, Dr. Storz embodies the Jesuit ideal of "magis." He is magis, the notion of doing more and being more for others, to serve others, and to love others. Aforementioned, Dr. Storz and I have developed the relationship in which we can text, which is special and above and beyond anything that is required of Dr. Storz as an advisor; furthermore, we can do that because our relationship transcends school. Mark's ability to implement love into what one may find as the mundane scheduling of classes, or any other academic technicalities, emphasizes the wonderful human, thoughtful advisor, and gracious leader that Mark Storz is."
Associate Professor of Economics
Dr. Calkins’ primary teaching interests include Principles of Economics, Public Finance, and Industrial Organization and Antitrust.
Dr. Calkins has written on state and local business taxes (Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy), state technology incentives (Journal of Regional Science), tax effects in bond yield differentials (Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance), gender differences in management style (The CPA Journal), the effects of seat belt laws on motor vehicle fatalities (Social Science Quarterly), the demand for dual discipline degrees and the skills preferred by employers (Journal of Financial Education, Journal of the Academy of Business Education). Her current research projects include a comparison of the concept of risk aversion in the fields of economics and psychology, the effects of obesity on motor vehicle fatalities, and the factors determining state legalization of marijuana.
Distinguished Honor
She received the Wasmer Award in 2009, which recognizes teaching excellence in the Boler School of Business at ۿ۴ý University.
"Dr. Calkins always goes above and beyond for her students in the classroom and outside of academics! She is a great resource to talk to about ANYTHING and is always willing to go the extra mile for her students. If you ask her for a favor, she has it done within the next few days, which only further proves her commitment to her job and students. She is smart, thoughtful, and a truly empowering figure for young women across the University."
Assistant Professor of Education
Early Childhood Education, Early Literacy, Media
Dr. Moses examines young children’s literacy and language development and aspects of early childhood settings and children’s homes that influence their development. She maintains two strands of research: one that investigates the role of media in the lives of developing readers and writers, and another that examines early literacy activities, instruction and assessments utilized in early childhood settings.
Recent Publications
*Moses, A. M., Jennings, N. A., Brod, R., Hooker, S. D., Cordell, B., & Sallee, T. (2014). The effects of literacy messages in an educational television program: A content analysis and experiment. NHSA Dialog, 17(1), 20-35; *Moses, A. M., Jennings, N. A., Brod, R., Hooker, S. D., Cordell, B., & Sallee, T. (2014). How an educational television program depicts literacy and how its messages affect young children’s literacy attitudes. NHSA Dialog, 25(3),113-117;*Gerde, H. K., Duke, N. K., Moses, A. M., Spybrook, J., & Shedd, M. K. (2014). How much for whom? Lessons from an efficacy study of modest professional development for child care providers. Early Education and Development, 25 (3), 421-441; *Golos, D. B., & Moses, A. M. (2013). Rethinking the Portrayal of Deaf characters in Children’s Picture Books. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 1-3; *Golos, D. B., & Moses, A. M. (2013). Developing preschool deaf children’s language and literacy learning from an educational media series. American Annals of the Deaf, 158 (4), 411-425; Moses, A. M. (2013). What, when and how electronic media can be used in an early literacy classroom. In D. Barone & M. Mallette (Eds.), Best practices in early literacy (pp. 96-118). New York, NY: Guilford; *Linebarger, D. L., Moses, A. M., Garrity, K., & McMenamin, K. (2013). Learning vocabulary from television: Does onscreen print have a role?. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(3), 609–621; *Golos, D. B., & Moses, A. M. (2013). The benefits of using educational videos in American Sign Language in early childhood settings. LEARNing Landscapes, 6(2), 125-147
(* denotes peer-reviewed publications)
"Throughout my time at ۿ۴ý University, Dr. Moses has guided me wholeheartedly through my process. She’s is my advisor, my professor, she’s a mediator, a professional and a friend. She has guided me through some very tough situations. Dr. Moses’s non biased approach, her ability to gather information/facts, her commitment to her students, colleagues, ۿ۴ý University, her ability to listen, she genuinely cares for others, and she has a heart of gold. These are some of the many reasons I feel Dr. Moses is beyond worthy of this honor. I could go on forever about Dr. Moses. I will be forever thankful for her. She has made a positive impact in my life, Present, past, and future."
Associate Professor of Economics
Business Statistics, Environmental Economics, Managerial Economics
Dr. Welki's teaching interests include business statistics, principles of economics, urban economics, and environmental economics.
His research interests include issues related to highway safety and highway safety policies, both domestically and internationally. In addition, he also does research in the area of how political and economic freedom connect to highway safety. His work has been published in Managerial and Decision Economics, The Journal of Business Education, and Transportation Research, "Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review".
Distinguished Honor
He received the Wasmer Award in 1992, 1997, 2002, and 2008, which recognizes teaching excellence in the Boler School of Business at ۿ۴ý University.
"Dr. Welki goes above and beyond for every student at ۿ۴ý University. Whether it is checking in with students regarding school, person life, social life, mental health, family, etc, he always cares and wants to help. Without being my official advisor, he has helped me with choosing classes and a major. He is the best example of what ۿ۴ý faculty should be. Not only does he walk around campus and explore all facilities, he gets to know everyone in those buildings…. He is the guy you want to see if you think a test went poorly, because he will have encouraging words! He puts life into a good, positive perspective. Because he knows the campus so well, he is quite knowledgeable about campus questions as well as any question regarding the Boler School of Business."
Professor of Accountancy, Anderson Fellow
Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, International Accounting
Dr. Bloom has been Professor of Accountancy at ۿ۴ý since 1986. He has previously taught at Rutgers University, the College of William and Mary, Illinois Institute of Technology, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, and Concordia University in Canada.
He has published numerous articles and book reviews, primarily in international accounting, and accounting education, in both academic and professional journals. The co-author or co-editor of nine books, Dr. Bloom is a frequent speaker at academic accounting conferences in the U.S. and abroad. In recent years, he has served on several committees of the American Accounting Association and the Academy of Accounting Historians. Dr. Bloom serves on the editorial advisory board of Accounting Education: An International Journal.
Distinguished Honor
He received the Wasmer Award in 2012, which recognizes teaching excellence in the Boler School of Business at ۿ۴ý University.
"On top of the grateful graduates, Dr. Bloom continues to share and discuss news articles, advice, and just check up on both current students and graduates alike.Despite being one of the most published professors at ۿ۴ý, he works tirelessly for his students and stated on numerous occasions that being a professor is the most fulfilling thing in the world. I assure you that he is at least one of the best advisers this school has."
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
My primary area of teaching and research is Ancient Greek Philosophy. Additionally, I am interested in the history of philosophy, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language and the philosophy of music.
His undergraduate degree in philosophy was earned at Carroll College (now Carroll University) in Waukesha, Wisconsin, in 1985. Its namesake, Charles Carroll, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was a cousin of Archbishop ۿ۴ý.I then immediately began graduate work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, earning the M.A. in philosophy in 1987 and the Ph.D. in philosophy in 1996. I was hired at ۿ۴ý and began teaching fall 1995.
Most of my courses are taught using a modified version of the “tutorial method,” based upon the historic Oxford method. (This link provides both an accurate description of the process used in my courses, as well as a brief film of a tutorial meeting in-progress and discussion of the method by students and faculty). Here is how this method works. Students write three “tutorial papers,” papers which answer a set of questions about philosophical texts; they then meet with me and one other student to read and discuss various portions of their papers. The purpose of these meetings is to engage in live philosophical discussion over questions about which each of us has spent considerable time thinking and writing
My main area of research and teaching is Ancient Greek Philosophy. Among the Greeks, my research focuses upon Socrates–specifically a view known as “Socratic Intellectualism.” According to this view, all human desire and action is fully rational. That is, all human action issues from a standing desire for the person’s own best overall good (happiness) together with the person’s beliefs about what actions will best lead to satisfying that desire.
Distinguished Honor
He received the Lucrezia Culicchia Award for Teaching Excellence, established to recognize teaching excellence, awarded annually to a member of the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences, in 1999.
"Dr. Mooney is an individual who will affect not just students, but the children of particular student veterans. He’s an individual who will affect generations to come, because the majority of student veterans are 1st generation college students. I hope you strongly consider Dr. Mooney for this award, as his influential sphere will continue to radiate infinitely and will be felt by future generations. The defeats or setbacks never seemed to be heavy, because I knew I always had someone who cared. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from Dr. Money its there should be no boundary to human endeavor, however bad life may seem while there is life there is hope."
Associate Professor and Director, Exercise Science, Physical Education and Sports Studies Program
Dr. Manning has a rich and expansive history of serving ۿ۴ý students, providing opportunities and encouragement for their physical, academic and societal development.
Psychology of Learning, Growth & Development, Teacher Preparation, Professional Development, Exceptionalities, Motor Learning, Lifestyle Fitness & Wellness , Health & Physical Education in the Elementary School
Areas of Research Interest
Teaching-Learning Process, Disequilibrium within the Teaching Profession, Professional Development Schools, Process for Assessment of Learning, Assessment, Physical Education in the Community of Catholic Education
Background at ۿ۴ý University
Department of Education & Allied Studies July, 2000 – 2008 ۿ۴ý University Chair 2000—2004 NCATE Coordinator: On-Site Continuing Accreditation Visit 1995—1997 ۿ۴ý University Associate Chair Coordinator of Initial Licensure Programs 1994—95 ۿ۴ý University Department of Education Coordinator of Initial Licensure Programs
Physical Education & Exercise Science Chair, Department of Physical Education & Exercise Science July, 1986 - 1995
Women’s Athletics Coordinator of Women's Athletics 1970 – 1990 Head Volleyball Coach 1974 – 1985 Head Women's Tennis Coach 1970 – 1975 Head Women's Basketball Coach
Research Interests
Teaching-Learning Process, Disequilibrium within the Teaching Profession, Professional Development Schools, Process for Assessment of Learning, Assessment, Physical Education in the Community of Catholic Education
Dr. Manning’s many publications and presentations can be found .
Distinguished Honor
1986 ۿ۴ý University Hall of Fame. Founder: Women's Athletic Programs 1970. First coach in Women’s Volleyball, Basketball and Tennis.
"Dr. Kathleen Manning does an exceptional job as the advisor of all of the students majoring in physical education and exercise science. I switched … to an exercise science major my sophomore year and she welcomed me with open arms. Dr. Manning goes above and beyond to make sure her students are staying on top of their classes and she makes a point to identify a meeting time with each student prior to registration, which is something that I did not experience prior to being an exercise science major…Dr. Manning gets to know each of her students personalities, strong points, and weak points, and this allows for a successful experience at ۿ۴ý University."