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Cyrilla Wideman, PhD

Professor - Biology

Cyrilla Wideman, PhD Profile Picture



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Dolan Science Center W210

Cyrilla Wideman, PhD Profile Picture

Expertise: Physiology, Endocrinology, Neuroscience

Research Interests

My major research interest is in the area of neuroscience.  One thrust of the research is to examine circadian rhythms and the disruption of these rhythms in jet lag and shift work.  Biotelemetry is the technique employed in our laboratory to monitor physiological and behavioral circadian rhythms in unrestrained, conscious animals.  A second area of research interest concerns pathological states associated with addiction in rats.  The study of the modulatory  effects of the hormone, vasopressin, on physiological, biochemical, and behavioral processes in the mammalian organism is a third focus of my ongoing research.  An experimental animal that is utilized to study these parameters is a rat genetically deficient in vasopressin (Brattleboro rat).

Recent Courses

BL 155 Principles of Biology I BL 156 Principles of Biology II BL 360/360L Human Physiology BL 475/ 575 Endocrinology PS 497N Individual Research Project in Neuroscience BL 599 Master’s Thesis

Selected Publications

Murphy, H. M., Ihekoronze, C. and Wideman, C. H.,  Zolpidem-Induced Changes in Activity, Metabolism, and Anxiety in Rats, Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 98, 81-86, 2011.

Wideman, C. H., and Murphy, H. M., Constant Light Induces Alterations in Melatonin Levels, Food Intake, Feed Efficiency, Visceral Adiposity, and Circadian Rhythms in Rats, Nutritional Neuroscience 12.5, 233-240, 2009.

Wideman, C. H., Nadzam, G. R., and Murphy, H. M., Implications of an Animal Model of Sugar Addiction, Withdrawal, and Relapse for Human Health, Nutritional Neuroscience 8, 269-276, 2005.

Murphy, H. M., Wideman, C. H., and Nadzam, G. R., A Laboratory Animal Model of Human Shift Work. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 38, 316-328, 2003.

Murphy, H. M., Wideman, C. H., Aquila, L. A., and Nadzam, G. R.  Telemetry Provides New Insight into Entrainment of Activity Wheel Circadian Rhythms and the Role of Body Temperature in the Activity-Stress Paradigm.  Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science, 37, 228-241, 2002.

Degrees, Awards and Recognition

Ph.D. in Biology with specializations in Physiology and Biochemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology