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Interim ۿ۴ý University Advancement Privacy Policy

ۿ۴ý Advancement Privacy Notice

ۿ۴ý University’s (the “University” or “ۿ۴ý”) University Advancement Division (“University Advancement”) serves the University in a variety of ways in order to support and grow the charitable mission of ۿ۴ý. The primary mission of University Advancement is to manage communications, fundraising, marketing and outreach to its Affiliates, which includes alumni, donors and other friends of the University (collectively its “Affiliates”).

ۿ۴ý University understands that collecting, storing and tracking personal information is a sensitive topic, and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of Affiliate information. This Privacy Notice addresses concerns about personal data collection and provides information about what data is collected and how it is used. Please contact Patricia Harris ’86G, Executive Director of Advancement Services, at Plharris@jcu.edu or 216-397-4344 with any questions or concerns regarding this policy.

For additional information about ۿ۴ý data security and privacy policies please visit http://dev-jcu.pantheonsite.io/hr/policies

Why Is Personal Information Collected?

ۿ۴ý Advancement strives to advance ۿ۴ý’s Charitable Jesuit Catholic mission and foster a sense of connection among its Affiliates through its programs and services to build upon the relationship that is established with alumni and friends of the University. Building this relationship is key to the continued success of the University’s students and alumni, thus University Advancement seeks to foster this relationship by: acquiring and maintaining information about Affiliates, communicating professionally and regularly with Affiliates with meaningful messages engaging Affiliates in programs, offering services which add value to Affiliates’ lives, and by fundraising amongst Affiliates in support of the University.

What Information Is Collected?

Personal information is information that personally identifies you or from which you could be identified. This often includes your name, address, telephone number, email address, and profession or occupation. For the purposes of this policy, personal information does not include aggregated information or non-personally identifiable information.

University Advancement also collects, exports and uses personal information to manage your relationship and to better serve you by personalizing your experience and interaction. Most personal information that the University maintains is either provided by its Affiliates or gathered from publicly available sources. The University and ۿ۴ý may collect your personal information through your use of websites, web-based applications, or when you complete an online form.

In the pursuit of its Mission, University Advancement may also maintain the following additional personal information about you in order to accomplish its primary activities:

  • To provide you with information about ۿ۴ý activities that may be of interest to you, University Advancement may maintain information on your interests and affinities at ۿ۴ý and in the larger world
  • In order to inform you about opportunities to support the charitable mission of the University both financially and with your involvement, University Advancement may maintain information about your giving history and charitable interests in order to create exciting opportunities for philanthropy. In some instances, and in keeping with industry customs and standards, the University may also maintain certain metrics or analysis of your charitable giving capacity in order to target philanthropic efforts appropriately and effectively.
  • In the interest of both historical records and to create better opportunities to connect Affiliates/alumni and give them meaningful experiences, University Advancement may maintain customary information about alumni during their time at ۿ۴ý and other information related to their subsequent personal and professional accomplishments.
  • As a faith-based organization, and in keeping with the University’s Jesuit Catholic Mission, University Advancement also maintains information on religious preferences and affinities that is voluntarily provided by Affiliates in order to provide meaningful experiences and opportunities for persons of a variety of faiths and beliefs.

Who Has Access to Collected Information?

For alumni, donors and Affiliates, we may disclose information to select third parties as follows:

Consent. We may disclose information to third parties if we have your consent to do so.

Required by Law. We will share your information with third parties to the extent we are required to do so by law, court order, or subpoena.

De-Identified and Aggregate Information. Although we do not obtain prior consent for this class of data disclosure, we use and disclose information about our donors and Affiliates in de-identified or aggregate form only for purposes that advance ۿ۴ý’s mission and do not impact Affiliate privacy.

University Affiliated Programs and Service Providers. We may share information with third parties that are affiliated with the University for the purpose of contacting you about ۿ۴ý-related goods, services, charitable giving opportunities or experiences that may be of interest to you. We may also use third parties who have entered into a contract with the University to support the administration of ۿ۴ý and University Advancement operations and policies. In such cases, we share your information with such third parties on the condition that they use it only for the purposes for which it was shared, they keep it confidential, and they safeguard it from unauthorized disclosure.

Public Information. Information may be shared with third parties without your consent if you have manifestly made it public.

For Our Affiliates Residing in the EU – Our Compliance With the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR)

The GDPR provides additional protections to personal data created in or sent from the European Union. ۿ۴ý University has Affiliates, including alumni, from all over the world, and ۿ۴ý and University Advancement may process personal data from the EU for marketing purposes. The GDPR stipulates that consent to process personal data must be freely given in an intelligible and easily accessible form, using clear and plain language. If you are an EU citizen wishing to provide or withdraw consent to the University to process your personal information, please visit the GDPR Consent form.

Please contact Sarah Starr Zechman '03, Executive Director of Advancement Services, at sstarrzechman@jcu.edu or 216-397-1996 with any questions or concerns regarding GDPR.

Requests to amend or destroy your personal information must be submitted to: Sarah Starr Zechman '03, Executive Director of Advancement Services, at sstarrzechman@jcu.edu or 216-397-1996. The manner of destruction shall be appropriate to preserve and ensure the confidentiality of your information given the level of sensitivity, value and criticality to the University and/or University Advancement.

How Your Information is Stored and Secured

ۿ۴ý and University Advancement use administrative technical and physical security measures to protect personal information, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing and the risks of varying likelihood and severity for your rights and freedoms.

Retention of Your Information

Your information will be retained by University Advancement in accordance with the applicable retention periods in accordance with the records and retention policy and/or practices established by ۿ۴ý/University Advancement and pursuant to the requirements of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

Online Payments

Some features of the University website enable credit card transactions and the submission of personal information, which is completely voluntary. Those features may include the purchasing of tickets through event registration or for donations. We collect banking and credit card information from you in connection with donations you may make to ۿ۴ý. Reputable third-party merchant processors, financial institutions and software vendors handle our credit card transactions pursuant to written agreements with the University that require them to maintain the confidentiality of these records.

Jurisdiction and Third Party Websites

The website is made available world-wide. All matters relating to the site are governed by the laws of the State of Ohio in the United States. Any information you provide will be transferred to the United States. By visiting the website and submitting information you authorize this transfer.

The site contains links to third-party websites. We are solely responsible for the privacy practices of our own website and not the privacy practices of the linked websites. We strongly encourage you to be aware of the privacy statements of these other websites and to read their statements before submitting your personal data through those third party websites.


The University’s use of cookies can be found in the University Web Privacy Policy at .

Last Revised 5/23/18