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Classroom Management Tips

An article from the Chronicle of Higher Education including five low-tech, time-saving asynchronous techniques that will make your remote pedagogy easier and more interesting.

A PDF from Arizona State University intended to provide faculty with guidance on how to manage and improve the student classroom experience in Zoom.

Quick Tips fromWellesley College on managing participation, audio quality, privacy, and internal participation.

A PDF of 10 distance learning best practices by Webex.

An advice guide from the Chronicle of Higher Education written by Jay Howard onhow to structure your course and particular class sessions in ways that will get students actively participating — and will enhance their learning.

Luisiana State University created this chart which outlines some common active learning strategies and corresponding approaches appropriate for online teaching in both synchronous and asynchronousapproaches.

Maximize student engagement, foster relationships and find research on best practice

An advice guide from The Chronicle including advice on how to make your online pedagogy as effective and satisfying as the in-person version, including:

  • 10 essential principles and practices of better online teaching
  • Common misperceptions
  • How to find help

An opinion piece by Kathleen S. Ives from Inside Higher Ed.

To achieve better success rates in online learning, we need to cultivate the sort of student engagement that's often the hallmark of great teaching and learning environments, writes Kathleen Ives.

An article from Online Learning Consortium providing strategies on overcoming online social barriers,administrative barriers, and motivation barriers to create the best learning experience for students.

Chapter Summary: By way of introduction to the monograph, this chapter presents more information on the various challenges to higher education at the current time and then provides a few essential definitions that inform the monograph. Then for those unfamiliar with the field of student engagement, the chapter presents a brief overview of the history of student engagement, as it has been developed to pertain to traditional instructional modes, with attention to the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). The chapter discusses the major reasons for the interest in online learning and the subsequent importance of student engagement for online students. Finally, the chapter concludes with the relevance of the monograph to various professionals concerned with higher education and provides an overview of content in each subsequent chapter.By Katrina A. Meyer.

Creating Connection

An article from Faculty Focus providing 5ways to concretize“a sense of belonging” in an online environment.


An article from Inside Higher Ed where professors share ideas for building community in online courses.

A PDF guide from Hoan Do on increasingparticipation and engagement in your virtual meetings and events andincorporatingfun interactive tools to keep attendees focused and involved. Inspired by John Chen, the CEO of Geoteaming, they created The ENGAGE ModelTM which describes six ways to increase engagement in virtual meetings and programs.

An article from TheChronicle of Higher Education relating how aprofessor finds that personal essays are surprisingly effective in building relationships in a synchronous virtual classroom.

Flower Darby explores how in remote teaching, it’s easy to forget that students are real people. This article from the Chronicle of Higher Education exploreswhy connecting early and often with studentsis vital, and how to do it.

Humanizing Online Teaching text by Drs. Mary Raygoza and Raina León, and Aaminah Norris fromSaint Mary’s College of California on teaching practices for equity and social justice and our collective experiences of online and hybrid teaching. It is not centered on the technical aspects of online teaching but rather pedagogical practices that promote care for the whole student and class collective.