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As the campus prepares to implement our Summer Energy Conservation Program, you can assist the Facilities Department in preparing the building cooling and ventilation systems in the following ways:

Offices and Area Suites:

  • Make sure the heat is off in your office by turning the Danfoss valve to 0, if you have one.
  • Set your thermostat to 76 F. Please note: Extreme settings on thermostats (like 55 F) tend to disrupt the controls.
  • Report any temperature or ventilation issues promptly by submitting a work order through the SchoolDude link or by calling the Facilities Office at 216.397.4314.
  • Keep your windows closed. This will help maintain temperature and humidity levels throughout the building.
  • Close blinds and shades to reduce direct sunlight and heat gain into your work area.
  • Turn off your lights when not needed and at the end of the day.
  • Please turn off/unplug personal appliances during Demand Response Events.
  • Do not adjust thermostats in common areas, lounges, and restrooms.

Classrooms and Laboratories:

  • Make sure the heat is off by turning the Danfoss valve to 0, if there is one.
  • Set the thermostat to 76 F.
  • Please note: Extreme settings on thermostats (like 55 F) tend to disrupt the controls.
  • Keep the windows closed. This will help maintain temperature and humidity levels throughout the building.
  • Close blinds and shades to reduce direct sunlight and heat gain into the area.
  • Turn off the lights and projector when not needed and at the end of the day.
  • Keep fume hood sashes closed, except when necessary during experiments.

Dress for your office/work area temperature:

If temperatures in the Northeast Ohio area are expected to be above 80 F, please plan to dress for an office temperature of 76 F. If there is a heat wave anywhere in the PJM grid, please expect office temperatures to be warmer than normal, particularly in the late afternoon.