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4th Annual 3-Minute Thesis, Essay, or Creative Project Competition

Congratulations to our 2024 Winners:

Competition Winner - Katherine Porras Brenes

  • Project Title: Bright Does Not Always Mean Toxic: The Case of the Green and Black Poison Frog in Costa Rica

Peer Choice Winner - Sr. Cynthia El Kassis

  • Project Title: Sustainability & Development

Thank You to all of our 2024 presenters for sharing your research and creative projects with the ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ community!

The 2024 3MT Competition took place on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 | 5:30 - 7:00 PM in St. Ignatius Hall, Room 258.

Application Submission Deadline

  • TBD for 2025 - End of January-Early February

Virtual Preliminary Competition

  • End of January-Early February

In-Person Final Competition

  • 3rd week in February

MAGS Competition 

  • 3MT Winner advances to MAGS Competition which is typically the first week in April
  • Graduate students enrolled in any Master's program at ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ may compete.
  • The degree program need not formally require a thesis, but topic must cover an original research project.
  • There will be one preliminary round of virtual judging with top choices selected to advance to final in-person ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ competition.
  • Gift card prize awarded to peer choice award and competition winners.
  • Competition winner advances on to
  • One single static PowerPoint slide permitted, but not required. Slide transitions, animations or ‘movement’ of any description of slide content not allowed.
  • No additional electronic media (e.g., sound and video files) or props (e.g., notecards, scripts, pointers, costumes, instruments, lab equipment) permitted.
  • Presentations limited to 3 minutes; competitors exceeding that are disqualified.
  • Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g., no poems, raps or songs).
  • Presentations are considered to have begun when a presenter begins via movement or speech.
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Developed by , the Three Minute Thesis competition cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills. The competition supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

  • Visit the University of Queensland website above for tips on how to craft your presentation and watch example videos from past winners.

The ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ University Graduate School hosted its first annual 3-Minute Thesis, Essay, or Creative Project Competition virtually in 2021. The 2022 competition was offered as a hybrid event and can be viewed on the .

Past Winners


Competition & Peer Choice Winner: Katelyn Gobbie

  • Project Title: The Biocrust Canopy Beneath Your Feet


Competition & Peer Choice Winner: Emily Staufer

  • Project Title: Toxic Toads: Characterizing Chemical Defenses in Understudied Poison Frogs


Competition & Peer Choice Winner: Kelsey Garner

  • Project Title: Assessment of Differential Behavioral Syndromes in Genetically Distinct Clades of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus)