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Information contained in this section will help grant awardees manage the administration of their projects in accordance with University and agency requirements.

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) reviews and negotiates grant agreements, research contracts, material transfer agreements (MTAs), and other research-related documents.

Grant accounts are set up by the Business Office and handled similarly to other University accounts. Funds must be expended following standard University financial policies and sponsor-specific policies.

For additional information on post award procedures, contact Mary Jo Levand, CPA, Post-Award Coordinator or Tammy Wisz, Manager, Payroll, Endowment, and Grant Accounting.

The Role of the Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director (PD)

In most cases, the project should not be started until the award document is processed by the OSP. Once the award is fully executed, the Business Office will set up an grant account in Banner to track the expenditures.

Once the account is set up, the PI/PD will be responsible for the following:

  • Carry out the work of the project in accordance with the approved scope of work.
  • Prepare and submit any required reports to agency by required due date. Failure to comply with agency reporting deadlines may jeopardize future funding.
  • Ensure funds are spent in accordance with the terms of the grant (as specified in the approved grant budget), regulations regarding federally funded programs, and in accordance with ۿ۴ý policies and procedures, including purchasing, travel, and hiring policies.
  • Notify OSP and other appropriate departments when hiring students and other personnel.
  • Keep adequate records for audit purposes.
  • Notify OSP of any problems, or proposed changes in the grant project (such as budget, scope of work, partnering organizations, personnel).
  • Complete and submit monthly effort reports when required by the award.
  • Complete and submit a Financial Conflict of Interest form as required for federal awards on an annual basis.
  • Notify OSP when the project is completed and the funds spent. OSP will work with the Business Office to begin closeout procedures.


Policies and Procedures

See also:

  • ۿ۴ý Purchasing and Financial Management Policies
  •  a/k/a 2 CFR 215
    Uniform Administrative Requirements for [Federal] Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Organizations
  •  a/k/a 2 CFR 220
    [Federal] Cost Priniciples for Educational Institutions
    (see Section J for a list of selected items which cannont be charged to federal grants)